Is The Stock Market Crashing?

Don’t check your 401k statement right now. Don’t log into your Robinhood account. Don’t open up that IRA. I can tell you with pretty high confidence – you’re down. 2022 has not been a kind year to investors. Since the

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Turbulent Times & Investing Lessons

It’s been over two years now since I wrote my last post. To say a lot has happened in the world would be an understatement. Let’s imagine that we went back to February 1st, 2020, and a magic genie gave

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Investing in… Relationships

Maybe some of you have noticed that I haven’t written any articles recently. I’ll go as far as to you say you’ve probably had trouble sleeping at night just waiting in anticipation for the next FinanceIsFreedom post to come out…

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What Can a Third-Grader Teach Us?

I got a text from my mom this week with a picture of something my little brother had typed up on his computer while he was at school. I was thoroughly impressed. Here’s what my young protégé wrote: Take Zach’s

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To Rent, or to Buy, That is the Question…

Buying a home. It’s a classic tenet of the American Dream. You grow up, get married, and buy that perfect suburban house with the white picket fence, yada, yada, yada… Have you ever heard someone say: “You need to buy

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Your Guide to Retirement Savings

We have a retirement crisis on our hands in the United States. A recent survey indicated that 42% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement. This is a real problem. Let me give you some context. When the

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Get Rich Slowly??

If you’ve been paying attention to the news this week, you’ve probably heard some talk about the lottery. Lottery fever is sweeping the country. Billboards, radio stations, news websites, and Twitter are all plastered with talk of the Mega Millions

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You Might Want to Reconsider Buying that New Car

I currently drive a 15-year-old Toyota Camry. It comes with a foggy headlight, some peeling paint, and a six-disk CD changer that makes clicking noises every time I first turn on my car (that’s thanks to my little brother who

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Livin’ the Dream

Picture this: You’re 45 years old, married, with three kids. You live in the suburbs of Washington DC, in a beautiful 5,000 square foot house that you just built last year. It looks like a home straight out of HGTV,

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How to Invest

Buying a stock is just like buying a lottery ticket I have been told. You pick a company and hope it goes up—rather than way down. And you always have to be afraid of those big market crashes where you

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Become a Multimillionaire by Saving $5k per Year

If you read the last article, you understand compound interest. And you understand that time is a very critical factor. But how does that actually translate into investing? Let me tell me one more story (don’t worry, not every post

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The 8th Wonder of the World

You might have heard the saying “wealthy people don’t work for money—their money works for them.” So what does that actually mean? Well, it means that wealthy people have money invested that earns a return and grows every year into

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