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Has anyone out there ever felt like they know nothing about money? About how to get a loan, invest in the stock market, save for a big purchase, or simply create a monthly budget to track expenses?

Whether you’re a teacher or a truck driver, everyone needs to know how to manage personal finances. It’s the subject that I can guarantee will impact your life no matter the career choice, but for some inexplicable reason is allocated ZERO time to be taught in many schools.  I honestly think one of the greatest failures of our American education system is that we never discuss how money works. I ran across this tweet recently that sums things up pretty well:

I’ve been answering finance and investing questions from friends and family for years, so I finally decided I would write some articles that I could direct people to. My goal is to teach you something along the way that will set you up for a better future. While one of my main passions is sharing financial knowledge with young adults, this site will be for all ages. It’s never too late to get your financial house in order.

Some future topics I will be covering:

  • Investing
  • Personal finance
  • Achieving financial independence
  • Real estate
  • Anything else I come across I want to share with people

Why I say Finance Is Freedom

Money can be such a shackle in life. You can either have too little of it and live in constant struggle simply to provide basic necessities for you and your loved ones. Or you can have plenty of it but be all-consumed by the insatiable desire to acquire more and more. In both scenarios, money ends up controlling your life. This is the opposite of freedom.

I subscribe to the belief that instead money can be a tool to buy ultimate freedom. Freedom from a job you hate, freedom to travel and explore the world, freedom to spend time with your loved ones, and the freedom to give generously of your time and treasure to meet the needs of others. This can all be achieved if you understand how money works and how to take control of it in your life.

On this site I hope to show you how a life built around frugality, saving, and investing, can produce these incredible results. It’s not average and it’s not common, but it’s worth it. To steal a line from Dave Ramsey, “Live like no one else, so one day you can LIVE like no one else.” 

Thanks for reading! If you find any articles at all insightful, please share. Or don’t, if you would prefer to keep these incredible secrets to yourself.